Too many footers

Eliaz wrote...
I've created an informational footer for posts sent to my mailing list. This goes as a mime attachment, as per the instructions in the admin pages.
The footer works fine on individual messages. But when a reply that quotes a proceeding message the footer is repeated. If the message is quoted n times, it ends with n repetitions of the footer. This is quite distracting.
Is there away to automatically eliminate the superfluous footers? Or must I remind the participants to delete them manually before posting their replies?
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Cyanolyca turcosa ecua4944
Urraca De Cuello Negro replied...

I'm sorry for the long wait :(
I don't have any idea about this, I'm assigning the ticket to another bird that can help.

In solidarity,
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Roadrunner replied...

It's the email client of the subscribers that is keeping the attachment and the list adds a new one. Having the list software (sympa) detect this and only include one sounds like a good feature request. I will ask the sympa developers about it.

For now they are going to have to edit them out, sorry. I guess it would be the same if they were text headers and got quoted, so it's not any worse than that.

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Eliaz replied...
Thanks Urraca & Roadrunner. Yeah, I'd started editing them out of my replies, & suggested to the list members they do so also. It's easy enough. A Sympa fis would be more elegant, though I suppose not worth the trouble to code. - eliaz
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Eliaz replied...
I'm mystified - My current ticket on this topic is dated 2018-07-05, but your replies and my acknowledgment are from 2017-05-10 (my previous ticket on the topic) to 2018-01-09 ( my acknowledgment of your help). Please let me know if the referral to a previous ticket is SOP. I'd like to continue with the current discussion 'cause I'd like to suggest a possible fix to the problem of multiplying footers. - eliaz
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Roadrunner replied...

We are getting ready to move to sympa 6.2. We're trying to get sympa upstream to accept as many of our patches as possible to make things easier for us to track. If you want to work on the "footer deduplication" feature, it would be best to target the patch for upstream and then if they accept it we will just get it automatically when we upgrade. I bet they will like the idea if there is a good way to solve the problem. Let me know if you make progress, want help talking to upstream, etc

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Eliaz replied...
Thanks roadrunner. I doubt I'd be much help upstream, I'm not much of a programmer. My idea for deduplication of footers is: when sympa sees an initial string "Re:" in a subject line, it rejects the footer script. If this is a plausible suggestion please pass it upstream or tell me how to do so. - eliaz
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Eliaz replied...
It's a month since my last post to this thread. I know you folks are busy, so I'll just summarize:
•Has the upgrade to Sympa 6.2 been finished?
•It occurs to me that the way to take my suggestion for a deduplication patch "upstream" is to bring it before the appropriate forum on . I don't have much free time now, but I'lldo my best. Meanwhile I'll replace the informational footers by monthly reminder. I'm surprised that no other list owners have brought up this issue with footers.
In any case, let's consider this thread closed. - eliaz
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Edagro replied...
I finally discovered the obvious way to eliminate reduplication of footers. All I had to do was change the attachment type from "append" to "mime."

The help page says,

"A: By default, the footer is sent out as an attachment. The advantage of this is that it is not included in replies. Unfortunately, this means that some people don’t see it. To change the type, go to the list’s admin page and there under “Edit List Config” → “Sending/reception” you can change the “Attachment type” option from “mime” to “append”."

Does the last sentence have it backward? Setting type to append adds a duplicate footer to each reply, setting to mime send only one footer to each reply. So everyone does see it.
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Roadrunner replied...
I think you'd need to test with various clients. Most clients support mime these days but might not display attachments by default.

append=just add text to the bottom of the body of the message (which can break things like PGP signatures

I think the help page is saying some people might not see it as an attachment but that if you force it to append then everyone will see it because it's added to the body of the message. But then they will end up duplicated by replies as you saw. If it's a MIME attachment sympa is smart enough to only keep one.

Anyway it sounds like you solved your problem, good!
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