W1n5t0n already taken, but triggers 500 when trying to mailto

W1n5t0n3 wrote...
hey fellas,
it may sound a bit strange, but when i try to take this username, it says "already taken", and when i'm trying to mail it, it triggers error 500:

SMTP Error (550): Failed to add recipient "w1n5t0n@riseup.net" (5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown).

the problem is i wanna take it, and if this user is blocked or else, can i kindly ask you to free this name?
or maybe it's a service account like some kind of easter egg from you?

with huge interest,
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W1n5t0n3 replied...
error 550, sorry*
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Paroreomyza.flammea wee
Kaakaawahie replied...
Nope, makes sense. You can't have it.
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