Open account after paszword changing

Blackboxxx wrote...
hey dears,
i have probs with opening my account..i was told,that my account is filled up with mails and i have to delete them.than i deleted them all..after that the account couldn't be recognised by k9mail anymore and i coulnd't get acess to my account using firefox..than i changed my password but still---no acess..i wrote in the discussion to two others with similary probs but after i replied,the two questions have been gone from the discussionblog-can't find them..can you see anything i don't see?u doing great work! cheers blackboxxx
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Blackboxxx replied...
i changed my paszword again,but still..wrong
created a wiederherstellungscode,but don't know where to put it??pls help
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Blackboxxx replied...
hey..i reseted my paszword..found place for the wiederherstellungscode..changed paszword again..still-wrong..what can i do??
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Blackboxxx replied...
hey..why do i have acess to account settings but not to my account??sry to bother you:(
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Blackboxxx replied...
next try;)
k9 test nr.x
entranceserver doesn't work..outgoing mails-no prob..what can i do?
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Blackboxxx replied...
hey works..thanx-u do great work..
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Crossbill replied...
Great to hear you got things working!
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