Unable to log into email

Lazerdye wrote...
I am unable to log into email, it is timing out over IMAP, and on the website I get the error "Login failed."
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Cyanolyca turcosa ecua4944
Urraca De Cuello Negro replied...

one of our mail storage servers is having problems, we are working on it.

Im sorry for the troubles
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Cyanolyca turcosa ecua4944
Urraca De Cuello Negro replied...

We had some problems with an e-mail storage server, but the server is back and should be recovering. Please try to login in now
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Cyanolyca turcosa ecua4944
Urraca De Cuello Negro replied...
This issue should be solved, so i'm closing this ticket for now. If you are still having problems, please don't doubt on reopening it
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