GUFW and VPN Black ?

Comme.Un.Pederaste.A.Ferraille wrote...
Hello !

I read this on the VPN help page :

"When you connect to the internet through the VPN Red you are bypassing any firewalls on your local network. Your computer will get its own IP address on the open internet. This is great, because that way your computer can communicate freely with others without getting blocked. However, bypassing the local firewall also means that your computer is more vulnerable to attack. Therefore, you should enable a firewall on your computer."

So it is highly recommended to use GUFW with the VPN Red. And I wondered if there is the same problem with the VPN Black ?

Thank you !
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Wxl replied...
There are firewalls involved in Black. I know sometimes local firewalls can cause issues because of that. However, firewalls are still generally recommended. I'd try with the firewall and if you still have problems, try removing rules one by one.
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Comme.Un.Pederaste.A.Ferraille replied...
Thank you for your answer !

Actually I asked because I don't know how to use/configure firewalls (yet), and won't have much time to learn it. And so I wondered if I can use the VPN Black in spite of it...
If I keep using the Internet with no firewall, may I expose my computer to specific vulnerabilities due to the VPN Black ? Or you say firewalls are recommended "just" because of common vulnerabilities inherent in the use of the Internet ?
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Wxl replied...
You can Red use without a firewall. There's no requirement.

However, Black does have a firewall in it. Black is meant to be an "all-in-one" solution that provides the utmost of security.It is where all of our efforts are focused on. It is the more secure solution. Even at this early stage, we recommend Black over Red because of this.

The idea is, though, that if a VPN server is misconfigured, you run the risk of being exposed to the internet and/or to other nodes on the VPN. People often rely on their local network to provide firewalls (either through a router from your ISP or perhaps through a firewall appliance installed at your work) instead of installing them on their own machines. VPNs circumvent these firewalls. This is why a firewall on your own machine would still provide you protection.

That said, we should have everything properly configured.
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Wxl replied...
This ticket has been open for a long time with no reply. Therefore, we will assume that your issue is resolved or no longer relevant. That said, we will now close this ticket.

If there is still a need, please reply back with the relevant information we need to further diagnose and/or troubleshoot this and we'll do everything we can to help.

in solidarity,
riseup collective
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