Stop sending me newsletter when username changes

Wt Flol wrote...
1. I already unsubscribed to your newsletter.
2. I changed my username from riseup website.
3. A few days later, I received newsletter again.

Can you just stop are-adding me to the newsletter?
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Wxl replied...
There's no way to permanently unsubscribe from the riseup newsletter. You can remove yourself, but you'll just get added back. This is true whether or not you change your username.

Your only hope is to go to and blacklist emails from But, you know, you might miss something actually important. We do send things out other than donation requests.
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Wxl replied...
This ticket has been open for a long time with no reply. Therefore, we will assume that your issue is resolved or no longer relevant. That said, we will now close this ticket.

If there is still a need, please reply back with the relevant information we need to further diagnose and/or troubleshoot this and we'll do everything we can to help.

in solidarity,
riseup collective
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