Bitmask vpn

Sunstone a posé une question...

I run linux mint and have been using the bitmask vpn service. It worked beautifully for about a month or so... Then about three or four weeks ago I began to have problems where the internet traffic through bitmask would freeze. I resolved these problem each time by quitting bitmask, restarting my network card, or often a combination of the two. This worked for awhile, but then the problem began to happen more and more frequently. Now, it happens almost immediately and I get an error from bitmask that the DNS lookup has failed. At this point, the service is not usable, which was a real problem since I particularly like to use it while traveling.

To be clear I do the following to produce the error consistently, and on different networks now...
1. connect to internet normally and test that I can access the web by searching/loading content
2. Start bitmask (which then appears to successfully connect and begin to transfer data)
3. At this point content fails to load and soon after bitmask throws the error " The server at can't be found, because the DNS lookup failed...."

I have bitmask on my machine and on my wife's machine. Her's was working a bit better, but I'm not sure since I am now traveling and she might just turn it off if she is having problems and not tell me. Anyway, I'm not sure if having two devices using same account is an issue. They seemed to work well side by side for awhile though.

Thank you for the help. I really like this service, and will greatly appreciate getting up and running again.

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Amalikotekotendron a répondu...
got the same problem
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Gnulux a répondu...
I’m not at all sure this will help, it doesn’t sound logical at all. However on the modem-router of my ISP I disabled IPv6. Though IPv6 is enabled on my Debian, and I can see IPv6 stuff in the Bitmask log, well, everything’s working now (well, a few problems, but at least the connection is ok). Before that, I could only ping and use Transmission (bittorrent application). I couldn’t get to the web through Firefox.

Anyway, best to always run bitmask from the command line:
bitmask -d
in order to watch what’s going on. If everything goes right, Bitmask should end its log with the words DNS check OK.
Then watch the terminal from time to time, to see if something else has been logged. If so, it’ll certainly be time to turn the connection off and on again (in Bitmask gui), without quitting the terminal of course.

Good luck :-)
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Wxl a répondu...
Just checking: is this still a thing for you folks or should we consider this resolved? It's been quiet over the past few months ;)
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Huemanatee a répondu...
I cannot use Bitmask on Ubuntu 16.04. Same situation as original poster.
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Wxl a répondu...
How did you install Bitmask?
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Yago a répondu...
Got the same problem. Strongly suspect it has to do with Ubuntu 16.04 but I'm not techy enough...
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Wxl a répondu...
What version are you all on? And you're all getting the DNS complaint?
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Wxl a répondu...
This ticket has been open for a long time with no reply. Therefore, we will assume that your issue is resolved or no longer relevant. That said, we will now close this ticket.

If there is still a need, please reply back with the relevant information we need to further diagnose and/or troubleshoot this and we'll do everything we can to help.

in solidarity,
riseup collective
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Richardpinney a répondu...
I have recently encountered a similar problem. I have been using Bitmask 0.9.2 with Ubuntu 16.04 for quite some time with no problems. I also use an Android version with no problems. I recently set up a new machine with Bitmask 0.10.2+1.ge94e21ec.dirty with Ubuntu 17.10. When I log in with Bitmask and start the VPN I can ping an IP address like, but I cannot access, or any other web site, with a browser. It appears that I am not reaching a Domain Name Server. Am I doing something wrong, or is there a problem with the version of Bitmask or Ubuntu I am using?

I would definitely appreciate any help you could provide! Thanks!
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Richardpinney a répondu...
Additional information:

richard@E5430:~$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=56 time=100 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=56 time=109 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=56 time=91.9 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=56 time=99.5 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=56 time=102 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=56 time=95.6 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=56 time=96.6 ms
--- ping statistics ---
8 packets transmitted, 7 received, 12% packet loss, time 7017ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 91.956/99.440/109.063/5.095 ms
richard@E5430:~$ ping
ping: Name or service not known
richard@E5430:~$ ping
ping: Name or service not known
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Wxl a répondu...
As it turns out, older versions of Bitmask did sometimes suffer DNS issues. What version are you using?
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Richardpinney a répondu...
The new machine has Bitmask 0.10.2+1.ge94e21ec.dirty.
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Richardpinney a répondu...
I also do not see any options for selecting the Riseup VPN to use. I think some older versions had options for Montreal, someplace in Washington, and someplace in Korea, if I remember correctly.
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Wxl a répondu...
How did you install this?
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Richardpinney a répondu...
From repository release stretch
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Wxl a répondu...
Well, if you're on Ubuntu that's your problem right there. There's no Ubuntu version codenamed "stretch." See `lsb_release -c`.
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Richardpinney a répondu...
Oops. I see. Looks like it should have been 'zesty' instead of 'stretch'

And it looks like it may take me a while to undo my mistake. Thanks for finding it for me!
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Wxl a répondu...
No problem. I'll consider this closed.
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Autonomoustechuser a répondu...
This is not resolved on Debian 9. Opening a separate ticket.
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Paroreomyza.flammea wee
Kaakaawahie a répondu...
Bitmask is dead. Long live RiseupVPN:

That said, this ticket is irrelevant now and into the future. If there is an issue with the current VPN, please open a separate ticket.
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