How did this email end up in that folder?

Phneutre@Riseup.Net a posé une question...
Hi. I'll try to be brief & clear.
My organization has a generic email address @riseup. We are several to access it. Someday, someone - I never found out who - created some custom folders beside the generic ones (inbox, sent, etc.). I thought someone did it and left, or even forgot about it, and that was the end of it. Except that today, an email just ended up right into one of these custom folders. It looks like there's a filter somewhere redirecting emails based on the sender or something.
1) I haven't found any filter options in the RoundCube webmail parameters. --> Is there such thing?
2) Another possibility is that the filter is set at the email client level (e.g. thunderbird), which would mean the client of my mysterious companion is still up & active. --> Is there a way to list the active connections to the server using our credentials?

Thanks a lot, fellow activists.
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Cyanolyca turcosa ecua4944
Urraca De Cuello Negro a répondu...

Filters are defined at (Mail settings -> Filters). It's also possible that somebody moved it by mistake, but check your filters first
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Cyanolyca turcosa ecua4944
Urraca De Cuello Negro a répondu...
For the second question which, there are mail clients that can do this. But I'm not directly familiar with that feature. Since we anonymize data as much as possible to check who is connected is not possible (just using a single thunderbird client means several connections at the same time, counting them will not work).

You may want to change your password if you feel this is a problem.If the case repeats, then someone in your group has this filter set in their mail client
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