Can't login to XMPP

Brylan a posé une question...

For some reason I can't login on XMPP with my account for more than 12 hours (with or without TOR, don't work anyways). What's happening? The XMPP server from Riseup is offline or it's a problem on my side?

Thank you.
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Uso a répondu...
Hello there,
The XMPP service is currently under heavy maintenance and for security reasons we decide to stop it completely while we are resolving current issues. We expect this to be done and resolved during the day.
Sorry for the inconveniences.
(just in case you missed the other reply)
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Enerdude007 a répondu...
Any progress on this?
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Uso a répondu...
This hasn't been resolved yet and we have no estimated time for when this will be done.
I will reply this ticket once we have any news on this problem.
In the mid-time the XMPP service will remain down.
Sorry the inconveniences.
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Uso a répondu...
Sorry the late reply.
The service is already back online.
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