Ending monthly donations

Edagro a posé une question...
For while I've been wanting to make (small) monthly donations to riseup. How will I be able to discontinue those donations when & if I'm no longer able to continue them? Thanks for your good work!
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Crossbill a répondu...

Depending on how you setup those donations will determine how you discontinue them. Are you thinking of doing it via Paypal? I can help you understand how to discontinue them when you are ready to do so!
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Edagro a répondu...
Thanks, Crossbill. I'm thinking of starting with $5.00 a month which I should be able to continue for a year. I haven't decided yet to do it through a paypal account or a credit card. Whatever's easier for you guys, I guess. I would appreciate hearing from you via this discussion or privately. I hope the amount isn't so small that it won't be worth your trouble to help me set it up. - ed
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Crossbill a répondu...
Hey there!

Even something as small as $1/month is totally worth it for us. If we had every user giving only $1/month, we would be financially sustainable! Alas, some people give more, and some people nothing at all.

If you do a smaller amount, like $1, it can be cost prohibitive if you use a credit card. Our paypal on our donate page will automatically determine if its small enough to qualify for paypal's micropayments fee structure, which makes it better for us if its going to be a smaller amount. With paypal, you setup a regular donation and it will just take that amount out of your paypal account (and if you have a credit card linked to your account, it can pull it from there) on a monthly basis.

When you want to cancel that, you would simply login to your paypal account and locate the scheduled payment and hit the cancel button, its super simple!
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Edagro a répondu...
Did it! Feels good! Also much liked your thank-you page!
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Crossbill a répondu...
Thanks! You are the best :)

If you have trouble canceling the monthly payment, be sure to contact us and we'll walk you through it.

Have a great day, and thanks again!
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