Allow me to vpn login

Pawanesh a posé une question...
Please add me into required mailing list, which can allow me to vpn login.
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We want you to know that an invite code is not required for the vast majority of services provided by riseup. This includes mailing lists (, VPN ( and crabgrass ( The only affected services by the invite requirement are email and chat.

We are sorry, but the only way to get an invite for our email or chat services is from a current riseup user. Spammers were abusing the previous system and causing our services to be blocked by other providers. Until we can find a way to prevent this type of abuse, you will need to find a riseup user and ask them for an invite code. You will not receive an invite code through riseup support.
If you cannot acquire an invite code and need one of the services that require it, you may want to look at our list of similarly-minded radical servers ( 
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