Email password not working for group/ members noting that personal riseup is down as well / issues changing

Bristolcopwatch a posé une question...
Hi Riseup,
you appear to have an issue with your mail servers, we are very busy as a police monitoring group and need email access
Our password is currently not working on email login but someone else in the group has noted that email is not working on their personal riseup.
Following your steps I have tried to change our password being recognised still on the account but not being recognised by your email system. I can't change the password to a new one as for some reason your system says its incorrect but its the same one to login in to our main account.
I have set up a secure forwarding address as we have casework we are dealing with and are receiving emails all the time.
Can you confirm when this issue will be resolved? I need it resolved quickly if possible. We need email access and have very sensitive emails sent to us in relation to support work regularly.
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We had some minor troubles, but everything should be back to normal.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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