Temporary Suspended & other Errors

Cvn a posé une question...
For no apparent reason, and I've never done anything against ToS on this email account, I'm having the following issues:
1) Logging into the account page shows a "Temporary Suspended for maintenance error"
2) Logging into the support page shows a "Bad email/password error"
3) Logging into the web-email shows a "Login error"

This happened out of nowhere today, and I can't access anything.
What's going on?!

Asking this for a friend as he has no other email account anywhere.
Email for it is dmca-notice@riseup.net
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Uso a répondu...

Your friend tried to use a reserved account name (dmca-notice) and was closed for that reason. These kind of account names are used to perform phishing and other related attacks, so we close them.

Please provide another invite code to your friend so they can create a new account using another username.

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