La connexion a achoué

Lucesd a posé une question...
Je viens de créer un compte et n'arrive pas à me connecter. Je tape pourtant le bon nom d'utilisateur et le bon mot de passe mais le site m'indique à chaque fois "la connexion a échoué". J'ai pourtant activé les cookies et essayé sur deux navigateurs différents.
merci pour votre aide.
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Wxl a répondu...
Unfortunately, we do not have many in our collective that can speak your language. Would you mind if we used an online translation tool to help us understand one another?
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Wxl a répondu...
This ticket has been open for a long time with no reply. Therefore, we will assume that your issue is resolved or no longer relevant. That said, we will now close this ticket.

If there is still a need, please reply back with the relevant information we need to further diagnose and/or troubleshoot this and we'll do everything we can to help.

in solidarity,
riseup collective
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