Problem suddenly with downloading to Apple Mail

Rachel Smolker a posé une question...
I logged onto my rise email a few days ago to generate invite codes for two colleagues. I don't know/remember if I did anything else, but I did get an encryption code, thinking i might find my way to more secure email exchanges. But now my emails are not downloading off the web to my computer using Apple Mail. Was working fine prior to my recent visit. Must be the donation I made! No seriously, i cannot figure out what I changed, nor could i even find my way back on the rise up site to anything that looked like changing settings - other than some very basic ones.
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Wxl a répondu...
You logged into Because that's not where invite codes are generated. Those are generated on NOTHING provides an "encryption code," though. If you did get something called that, I'd search through your browser history and see where you actually visited.

Meanwhile, try logging into and see if you can see your mail. If that works fine, then you can at least ensure that nothing is wrong with your account. If you can confirm that, then I'd double check your settings on Apple Mail:
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Wxl a répondu...
This ticket has been open for a long time with no reply. Therefore, we will assume that your issue is resolved or no longer relevant. That said, we will now close this ticket.

If there is still a need, please reply back with the relevant information we need to further diagnose and/or troubleshoot this and we'll do everything we can to help.

in solidarity,
riseup collective
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