Confused inbox!

Sonicsofa a posé une question...
Dear Riseup,

My inbox has deleted some messages + the ones left are all mixed up. A message received today will show up in the middle of the list + not at the top!
Would you have any idea how I can fix this, please?!

Thanks + wish ya a supergood Thursday,
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Cyanolyca turcosa ecua4944
Urraca De Cuello Negro a répondu...

On the column where your mails are listed (the one with the mails list) there is a small cog on the top (just to the left of the Subject text on the top). Click on it and the make sure in the sorting column the "Sent date" is picked, and in the "sorting order" one descending is picked. Then save and things should be back to normal
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Sonicsofa a répondu...
Thx so much! I completely overlooked that cog + was certain I'd reorganise through settings!! Thx again!
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