Please reopen my account

Dslex a posé une question...
Hi guys,
I hadn't checked my riseup mail in at least 6 months (I try to reserve it for sensitive matters), and now it's closed. I have just changed my password. Can you please reopen it, because I'm going to be needing it again ?
Thanks for your help :)
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Uso a répondu...
Try login into If you have the correct password, your account should be reopened automatically.
Let me know how it goes.
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Dslex a répondu...
Yes, it works - thank you !!!
(I hope this is where I was supposed to answer, I don't see any other "Reply" buttons...)
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Uso a répondu...
If you need any other thing, open a new ticket please. I'll close this one now.
See you on the streets.
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